Sunday, January 15, 2012


Today I thought I'd keep it simple.  Just stop by, say 'hello' and cross my fingers that someone just might stop by and comment.  So hello world.  Are you going to say 'hello' back or be a jerkface?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Grandfather

My Grandpa Glenn Eugene Waite died one year ago today. The obituary is online at this site. I miss him very much.

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Post of the New Year

Happy 2012 everyone.  We made it through another year, lets just hope we make it out of this year alive.  I have only a few resolutions this year:
  1. get rid of this sickness and the allergic reaction I got from my medication
  2. Continue to lose weight (23lbs have been lost already, partly because of my sickness sadly)
  3. Do well with my online classes so I can get my dream job someday (broadcasting journalist)
  4. Hopefully get engaged to my amazing boyfriend (or at least continue to date him <3)
  5. And lastly, be happy and love life because it is short
Happy New Years everyone.